Yoga Poses by Lilia Wills
Reclined Half Spinal Twist -- a great pose to release a tight back, to stretch the IT band, an ideal pose to practice after a run or after a long car ride, or just before relaxation posture. Practice on both sides of the body, holding the posture at least 20 seconds on each side.
One Legged-King Pigeon Pose, known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, this is a hip opener, chest opener, and a back bend, but often it's difficult descending the outside front leg -hip all the way to the floor (see picture). That's when a block, a folded blanket or a thin bolster can be a helpful prop. Never hesitate to use proper props, it allows to deepen the stretch, release in the muscles and flexibility in the joints. Each side of the body may have a very different experience. Most of us have a dominant side/leg/arm, therefore, patience and lots of mindful practice is a must when practicing any pose, especially this well known hip opener. The back leg can be extended on the mat for a modified, easier version. Those with hips on the ground and great flexibility in the back and open through the chest can also reach both hands onto the back foot or wrap around the ankle.
Pose of this week is one of the best hip opener called Pigeon Pose, a variation of Raja Kapotasana with a great spinal twist and a chest opener --all in one! Practice this pose in any of the variations on both sides of the body; hold the pose for several breaths. Enjoy the release in the hips, chest and back muscles!
Pose of the week is a Seated Spinal Twist with legs in Cow Face Pose; Gomukhasana in Sanskrit. Start this pose in Easy Seated/ Sukhasana, then bring one leg over the other; if the knees could stack - great, if not, no worries simply move the feet forward (easier version), or bring the heels closer to the hips, only if the flexibility allows. Once seated, firmly start twisting from the waist upwards into one direction, using the hands to deepen the twist (neck and head last to twist, focus on twisting through the torso and oblique muscles). Take a few mindful breaths on the first side, then come back to center switching legs, then twisting in the other direction, again holding the pose for several breaths. Enjoy the sense of calm and rejuvenation in mind and body. This pose is great to practice anywhere, in fact I find myself practicing it on the plane, on a long car ride, or while waiting for an appointment.
First of all there is nothing more special than practicing yoga with your child. In the photo Karlisse is pressing with her legs onto my Downward Dog transitioning from her Downward Facing Dog to half pike (strengthens the core, the legs and the arms; it changes ones perspective instantly, and it is a transition to Handstand).
Yoga Poses by Lilia Wills
Crow Pose, in Sanskrit it's Bakasana- a playful and it can be challenging arm balancing posture. Have fun practicing this pose; breathe deeply; try again! The fun is in the journey... have a Merry & Bliss filled Christmas!!!!
Yoga Poses by Lilia Wills
Yoga Poses by Lilia Wills
Yoga Poses by Lilia Wills
Shoulder Stand, in Sanskrit Salamba Sarvanghasana -- considered the queen of inversions. It rejuvenates the entire body, awakens the mind, restores all that needs a little change, and instant change in perspective! One should never rush the process of going into the full posture. Props such as a firm folded blanket can be essential to support the neck. Practice and enjoy the magical effects of this pose.
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