Posts in the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Side Angle with Bind/Badha Utthita Parsvakonasana

Side Angle with Bind/Badha Utthita Parsvakonasana– from Warrior 2, drop the front arm towards the inside of the front leg to the mat, floor, or ground and the top arm towards the sky; then reach behind with the bottom hand, the top hand reaches down behind lower back to bind.  This pose opens the chest,

Upward Plank/Purvottanasana

Upward Plank/Purvottanasana- strengthens the shoulders, legs, arms; opens the heart and chest; lengthens the entire body. Please refrain from practicing this pose if you have shoulder injuries.

Eagle/Garudasana Pose

Eagle/Garudasana Pose is all about strength, flexibility, endurance and unwavering concentration.  Practice on both sides, breathe!

Backbend – Handstand Variation

It’s a hybrid handstand/back bend combined.    It’s an advanced pose so please practice on a comfortable and safe surface.  Practice, and all is coming!  Don’t aim for perfection, simple have fun!  It will change your perspective instantly; it will sharpen your focus; it will strengthen your entire body! 🙂

Low Chair Pose with Deep Hip Opener

Low Chair Pose with Deep Hip Opener:  Looking at a non moving spot, a gaze or drishti will help with this balancing and strengthening pose.  Lower slowly touching the ground or mat with fingertips as needed until you find your balance. Practice pose on both sides; hold the pose for a few breaths and feel

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise, in Sanskrit is Svarga Dvijasana- strengthens the hips, pelvis, and quadriceps; lengthens the hamstrings and releases calves; tones the legs; opens the shoulders; challenges your balance. Variation: keep floating leg as bent as needed. Engage core & leg muscles at all times. Recipe of the week: Easy Hummus- 1 can of white

Plank Variation

The above pose is a variation of plank; in Sanskrit it’s called low Chaturanga Dandasana. It engages, challenges, and strengthens various muscles because various groups of muscles are involved and challenged: neck, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abdominal muscles, legs… Concentration skills on holding the pose longer each time and adding challenging variations, strengthens one mentally as

Mountain Pose

In Mountain pose, add a little back bend once you tuck the tail bone under and squeeze your gluteal muscles, then open up the pectoral muscles and your heart, reaching your arms back into reverse prayer/namaste or just reach towards opposite elbows. Simply take in a few deep long breaths through the nose and exhale

Sugarcane Pose

Sugarcane Pose, in Sanskrit is Ardha Chandra Chapasana- a standing, balancing and beck-bending pose. This pose has great benefits: improves core strength, increases your balance, stretches quadriceps and hamstrings. This photo was taken today after running to and from the yoga studio, the stretch felt great especially after running home up a steep hill. Practice

Side Crow

The pose of this week is Side Crow and it’s an arm balance that challenges, boosts confidence, rejuvenates body and mind.  Practice on both sides, or at least give it a try.  Photo was taken at Great Hollow Lake park in Monroe in October.

10 Minute Yoga Quickie

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    Bliss Yoga
    160 Main Street (Route 25)
    Monroe, CT 06468

    Let's take control of your health and wellness.