Archive for November, 2014

Sloth Pose

“Sloth Pose” as my darling daughter Karli calls it, or “Hanging Boat” as I named it; it’s a fun pose that challenges the core, strengthens the arms and legs, increases hip mobility and ankle flexibility. Have some fun on your next hike or playground visit with your kids; give Sloth Pose a try!

Tripod Headstand

Try this fun inversion, but only if you’re not a beginner yoga practitioner. If you are not up for the tripod headstand, practice other inversions of your preference such as downward facing dog, plow, shoulder stand to change your perspective!

Standing Crescent Pose (Indudalasana)

Pose of the week is Standing Crescent Pose, in Sanskrit is Indudalasana.  It’s a beginner friendly pose with many great benefits: strengthens the side abdominal/obliques and intercostals, lengthens your side body, a gentle warm-up for shoulders and hips, challenges as well as enhances focus and balance.

A Variation of Mountain/Tadasana with Backbend with Hands in Anjali Mudra or Prayer

Pose of the week: a variation of Mountain/Tadasana with backbend with hands in Anjali Mudra or Prayer. Mountain pose is the foundation of all standing poses.  It helps create space within the body, which allows all the internal organs to work more efficiently, as well as improves respiration, circulation, digestion.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Be a strong, flexible and long enduring Warrior (Virabhadrasana II) — the pose of this glorious week ahead!  This pose is all about strengthening your legs, arms, engaging the abdominal muscles, gazing into the distance, and ready to take on any challenge that life throws along the way!  Front leg bent into 90 degrees, hips

10 Minute Yoga Quickie

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    160 Main Street (Route 25)
    Monroe, CT 06468

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